Informations concernant le nom de domaine .film
Longueur du nom de domaine:
caractères minimum: 1
caractères maximum: 63
Durée de réservation
Minimum: 1 an
Maximum: 10 ans
Date de suppression : jour(s)
Période de Rédemption : jour(s)
Serveur whois :
Registre du nom de domaine:
Conditions générales:
Conditions ou Restrictions pour les TLD .film
Conditions: RNH must provide true and accurate details and information about itself at the time of
Application for, and registration of, the domain name and make those warrants as
described in the Published Policies;
RNH must provide to their Registrar updated details and information as soon as practicable
when information about the Registrant changes, and in any case no greater than 14 days
from such change;
RNH must not do any thing, or use any third party, or any service to obfuscate or conceal
the true identity of the intended beneficiary of the domain name registration.
RNH meets the eligibility requirements
RNH is consisten with the mission and purpose of the TLD and the applicable laws,
government rules or requirements and the Published Policies
RNH satisfy both Criteria A and B, as described in the following and the Registration
Policy (where the domain name is an Exact Match to a film title satisfy Criteria A and C)
RNH is intended beneficiary of the domain name registration
The Registry Operator reserves the right to review domain name Applications for consistency with the mission and purpose of the TLD and cancel, lock, place on hold,
transfer or delete Applications or Registrations which, in the Registry Operators sole discretion, appear to have been registered in bad faith.
Restrictions: RNH must provide true and accurate details and information about itself at the time of
Application for, and registration of, the domain name and make those warrants as
described in the Published Policies;
RNH must provide to their Registrar updated details and information as soon as practicable
when information about the Registrant changes, and in any case no greater than 14 days
from such change;
RNH must not do any thing, or use any third party, or any service to obfuscate or conceal
the true identity of the intended beneficiary of the domain name registration.
RNH meets the eligibility requirements
RNH is consisten with the mission and purpose of the TLD and the applicable laws,
government rules or requirements and the Published Policies
RNH satisfy both Criteria A and B, as described in the following and the Registration
Policy (where the domain name is an Exact Match to a film title satisfy Criteria A and C)
RNH is intended beneficiary of the domain name registration
The Registry Operator reserves the right to review domain name Applications for consistency with the mission and purpose of the TLD and cancel, lock, place on hold,
transfer or delete Applications or Registrations which, in the Registry Operators sole discretion, appear to have been registered in bad faith.
Tarifs pour le nom de domaine film
Réservation: 63.14 € HT 75.77 € TTC
Renouvellement: 63.14 € HT 75.77 € TTC
Transfert: 63.14 € HT 75.77 € TTC